Saturday, August 28, 2010

Long time no update....

Hey! I got a spiffy new layout thing, rearranged some stuff...this thing was definitely in need of a makeover! I think it looks a lot better now, don't you? :)

So...since I last updated here, I saw Bon Jovi and the Gaslight Anthem in concert, both amazing shows! Other than that, not much goes on with me. I see my Alex as often as I can, I hang with my friends, I waste far too much time online.

I am still not working. Back in June, I was told by one of my managers (two have been transferred to the Pawtucket store, so it's nearby, plus the other two managers used to be at my store too, it's nice to know everyone in charge!) that he'd heard we were opening in August. Well, August has come and nearly gone, and there's been zero work on the building. It is completely gutted, no ceilings, no walls, etc. I guess as of June they were still accepting construction bids. I went in to the Pawtucket store today and talked to Mike again. Now he says we won't be ready to go in and set up to re-open until "at least October". Something about inspections and such before they can start the construction work. What the hell!!!

Keep in mind, I've been out since March 30th. That's 5 months laid off so far, and at least 2 more to go? ARGH, is all I can really say. I am so upset.

I actually miss work, I never thought I'd say that! I miss pricing shoes and doing returns, I miss hiding in my stockroom to sneakily read a few pages of a book or to sing along to the radio, I miss cashiering, I miss gossiping with my amazing crazy coworkers....I cannot wait to go back so I hope it's soon. Because aside from being bored and lonely, I am also broke. Unemployment is not the best way to make money, as opposed to what my father believes. I get maybe 3/4 of what I'd usually make in a week when I was at work.

Ugh. Ramble over.

In other news, I am now a certifiable wench! Well, the wench part is questionable but I am most definitely certifiable...just kidding XD I will be blogging for my friend Andrea's very cool blog The Certifiable Wenches. So, hopefully I will find some fun stuff to write about there! You should all go check it out! Even though I don't think anyone reads this...oh well. If you do, I appreciate it!

I guess that's all, for now anyway :)


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