Friday, August 17, 2007

Why Today Sucked

1. I worked 4 hours, blah. Didn't get a chance to sit down once. My legs are killing me.

2. My cousin Tif was supposed to meet me at the library at 2 but missed her bus twice so I waited at work forever for nothing.

3. When Tif got to my house, she had one of her kids with her (Alice, who's not as much of a problem as the other one), I'd figured it'd be just the 2 of us. So I had to keep Allie occupied so, I still didn't get a chance to rest for 5 minutes.

4. Tif got into a huge screaming/swearing match with my bitch of a neighbor that already hates my family. Tif had every right to flip out at her, but I fear retaliation, such as animal control or city hall stopping by sometime next week to harass us some more.

5. My dog Rosey got sprayed by a skunk in my backyard. The yard, the dog, and the house reek so badly my eyes are still watering. I had to rub her down in tomato juice but I smell like crap and she still smells too (but not nearly as bad).

6. Alice slammed my elbow in the car door when we went to Shaws. Not purposely (I was reaching in to lock it and she closed it on me, she loves closing the car door), but it still freaking hurts and is still swelling. Hit my damn funny bone! I had frozen raspberries on it while we were in the store, swelling went down a little, but it hurts like hell and it's starting to bruise. I don't want to think about how it will feel tomorrow.

I do believe Warren Zevon's lyrics are quite fitting for my crappy day:

This just ain't gonna be my day
Trouble waiting to happen
Things just ain't gonna go my way
Trouble waiting to happen
I'd write this down if I could hold a pen
I might get better but I don't know when
So I'm gonna wait right here 'til then
Trouble waiting to happen

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Look at all of the fun things...

I made on!!! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Go to, it's pretty much the most funnest thing ever!

<3 Eliza