Wow, I haven't written in here in a while. Maybe because nothing notable really happens in my life.
New obsession: Jimmy Stewart.
Oh my god he was such an amazing actor (and cute!). They just don't make movies like his anymore, and it's sad. Stuff from the 30s and 40s is the best. My Jimmy obsession has helped me discover some truly amazing classic films. So that's good. You just don't find actors like Jimmy Stewart anymore.
Blah. Movies suck so hard nowadays, it's hard to sift through all the teen sex comedies and violent action movies and gory horror crap to actually find a decent movie. Occasionally you find one, but good movies are getting rarer.
But let's not get me started on that topic, because I could go on forever.
Anyhoo, Christmas. It was hectic, I'm broke, I spent time with some family members that I dislike, and I'm glad it's over.
Here's the stuff that I got, because that's all Christmas seems to be about anymore.
From my parents:
~Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At World's End (the 2-disc special edition!)
~a POTC shirt w/ Johnny Depp on it <3333
~SpongeBob hot cocoa & mug set
~fleece Happy Bunny pajamas
~$20 Bath & Body Works gift card
~gold claddagh earrings <333
~Life Magazine's The Most Notorious Crimes In American History
From my cousins:
~$25 Borders gift card
From co-workers:
~crate of clementines (Pat)
~Chipmunks Christmas CD (Pat)
~pretty nail polish and pretty headband (Pat)
~cookies (Stef, Karen)
~candy (Maria, and Bob though he doesn't work with us)
So what did you guys get, anything good? I hope you all had a nice holiday!
And Happy New Year to all of you if I don't post here again before then! :)
<3 Eliza
Yay for Happy Bunny jammies :)
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