Friday, June 8, 2007

RILA Conference 2007

So...the conference was pretty fun! I went with my co-worker Veronika, we took the bus together and got to the JWU library kinda early. There were breakfast-y snacks and whatnot. There were sponsors who had free pens and rulers, so I loaded up on free stuff XD The first program I went to as about blogging. We were taught how to create a blog and stuff...using Blogger! Too bad I didn't wait a few more days to get one of these things! So I helped Veronika with hers. We had a half-hour break after that, then went to the next program, which was about the RI Historical Society. It was pretty interesting, I didn't know it was free to get in. So now I really want to go!

When that was over there was some sort of meeting but I skipped that and had a muffin and read for a while. Then I went to the presentation room to see the speaker, (awesome) author Peter Abrahams! He's really cool. When he was done there was a book signing, so I bought a copy of End Of Story and he signed it for me :) Then came lunch! I love going to school at JWU, because we're known for the amazing food. Which is what we got for lunch! I sat with some people I didn't know, I'm trying to get over my social anxiety disorder so stuff like that helps. They were really nice. I met back up with Veronika and we went to the presentation about foreign films. I got a lot of links to cool video and archiving sites that I'll have to check out.

All in all, it was a fun day, and I'd love to go again next year!


Octopusouphut said...

Hey you! I've missed you at LJ...okay, so that's my falt for not updateing...but still.

I saw your comment on my blog, and was like, "Who is this?" and then I went to yours and saw it was you, and then thought, "How did she find me??" Then I realized I had left a link to it on LJ!

Anyway, see you around! Oh, and I have recently (as in about 6 months ago) have gotten into Monty Pyton. <3 it! Do you watch Eddie Izzard? I can't should if you don't. Very Pythonine.


pattyk said...

Eliza, God, I just wrote this humongous (and quite funny I might add, which alas, you won't read since now I can't even remember) answer to this blog--and then! I couldn't post it because of not putting in my whole email with the gmail@ thing--grrrrrr. So then I retrieved the darn name again and when I got back to you, the page expired!

pattyk said...

Eliza, I wanted to add more, but the darn arrows arn't even working--whats up with that? Can you only write this little box worth? We couldn't even find you at lunchtime and that Jane kept telling me we had to leave for next meeting, so I skipped my tea and dessert time and left, only to find out we were waaay too early==another grrrrrr. Oh, God, now I see, you just keep typing--duh! By the way, why would you use these shown HTML tags anyway, why do they say and what do those tags mean? Educate me girl!
I loved that author meeting also--very informative and you would definitely have appreciated the previous speaker author Mitali Perkins who is Hindu, who spoke of kids dealing with race and culture shock when they live in US. Speaking of culture shock, I thought it so ironic to be within JW walls with the lovely green grass with sprinklers going and brand new buildings on my right and then AAAAGH! Weybosset St on the left--lol. See you Monday. Oh, one of the things I did say in that missed message before was, "We must get together and discuss the various things to do on blog like picture entering etc. Ok Toodles