Friday, June 29, 2007


Tracey tagged me!

Choose seven random facts about yourself and post them on your blog. At the end, list seven people you are tagging.

1) My throat really really hurts.
2.) I love love love 70s British comedy (Monty Python, Are You Being Served, etc)
3.) My favorite musician of all time is Billy Joel.
4.) I'm currently blasting Everclear, therefore annoying my parents :)
5.) My cell phone is blue.
6.) The last book I finished reading is Such A Pretty Girl by Laura Weiss. OMG read it!!
7.) I haven't filled out my FAFSA for next school year yet and it's due soon. I should probably get on that.

I'll tag: Pat, Andrea, and Veronika. Because they're my only blogger friends besides Tracey and she obviously already did it :)



The Mistress of the Dark said...

I'm going to do this one over at LJ :)

Anonymous said...

oops...I did post my 7...but on my own blog...sorry !
It's there,though,if you want to read it.I will repost it here in awhile.