Thursday, June 7, 2007

conference tomorrow

So...the RILA (Rhode Island Library Association) conference is tomorrow. I'm kinda excited. It's a day full of various lectures and programs about library-type things. But the thing I'm most excited about is meeting Peter Abrahams! He's Stephen King's favorite suspense novelist. I started one of his books today, and he's quite good! He will be speaking at the luncheon, fabbity-fab-fab!

The conference is being held at my college's library, Johnson & Wales, and all of the food-y snacks are being provided by the JWU culinary department (JWU is most famous for the culinary part of the school). Sooooooooooo tomorrow should hopefully be good.

Though 8am-6pm is a very, very long day.

I'm taking the bus downtown with my super nice co-worker, Veronika, so we'll get there nice and early for registration and whatnot.


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